Maclan Industries, Inc. is a 32 year old company located in St. Louis, MO. Our facility is centered on 17 acres with over 37,000 sq. ft. of building space in operation. Maclan is strategically loc ated with ready access to the majority of freight carriers in St. Louis.
Our company offers custom chemical manufacturing/ outsourcing services, custom packaging services and custom built urethane/ epoxy gun and pump systems. We have an in-house quality control lab, trained operating staff, and over 47 years of combined experience in the chemical industry. Both small and large companies utilize our services in ever-expanding enterprises. Maclan diversifies and accommodates these new markets. Our greatest asset is our ability to quickly move from concept to reality in a cost efficient manner.
Maclan becomes a team player in a support system offering a whole array of benefits through professional consultation. Our service system includes:
preliminary lab bench scale studies;
- review of chemical production to monitor or improve quality;
- laboratory for testing and quality control;
- production cost analysis;
- creation of new process slystems to fit special needs; as well as
- problem solving and application ecaluation.